Friday, September 24, 2004
It's getting better all the time...
Now that the first draft of scene 1 is done (which I will post soon) and I have already managed to include my all-time favourite saying, 'Shut your pie hole', now the challenge is on to insert my second all-time favourite saying:
'What do you think this is, bush week?'
Yes, that's going to be said at least 5 times actually. It could even be it's own movie, Sky's Bush Week. I don't actually know what Bush Week IS, but presumably it's an event where not very much is done.
And, inspired by
I have to have 3(+) pieces of 'creative writing' ready by next week to submit for a course I want to do, and I'll definitely be including Sky's Magical Mystery Tour in there! (I'm only sort of joking). Actually, that is such a stupid idea that I might just do it. Will keep you informed on that.
I've also managed to land myself what could loosely be termed a writing 'job', designing and writing a monthly newsletter for a particular business. (Paying? Yes, possibly!) I think I'm just going to give myself a column - Crystal's Life Lessons, because I can. Actually, I probably very well can't, but I will try. I might start my own column here as well. And then I'll be publishing my own magazine (readership = one). I just mention all this because, you know, now's the time to jump on board and ride the train to fame and fortune off the Gallagher-Starr name! I've put that 'Help Wanted' notice up for a reason!
This whole 'write whatever you want' blogging is very freeing and excellent. It's like the early days of the Love Pavilion, with Lizzing included! I like it.
Message for Fop: Update please!