Sky's Magical Mystery Tour
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
A Liz (Leaf Mechanics)

God, I feel like I'm back in year 12 the past two days. I'd forgotten about the all-time fun of VTAC preference applications. See I'd been vaguely considering doing a writing course next year, but with the deadline being the 30th, I wasn't rushing it too much.

And then, at 5 o'clock yesterday, I suddenly decided that I wanted to try to get into [Name of Institution kept private]. This is where I wanted to go 3 years ago, when I was first applying, but everyone (parents, teachers, careers advisors) said I wouldn't get in. And, yeah, I wouldn't have. My ENTER score was too low, and I had no practical experience to make up for it. So I didn't even apply. And then I was bitter.

So anyway, last night as I was browsing the list of places that I could potentially go to, I saw the name [Name kept private] on the list. And I immediately dismissed it, still thinking like I was 17. And then I thought...well...why the fuck couldn't I try to get in now?

So, I read the application requirements. Application form, Personal Statement, Writing sample, interview, Academic results, CV, References, Full Folio.

Needs to be in by - Wednesday. IE - Needed to be in the post today. So of course I thought well, LIKE THE FUCK THAT'S ALL GOING TO BE DONE.

Then I was angry with myself for only realising what I wanted to do when it was too late. Then I stared angrily at the application form for an hour. And then I just started to do everything on the list.

So anyway, I stayed up (literally) all night writing letters and essays and printing out anything that could be considered acceptable for a 'folio'. Whoever gets it is going to be the very first person except me to sample my semi-autobiographical novel 'T-Town'. And they are going to find out what happens when Life Is A Song.

I don't really care if I don't get in, though it would be a nice ending to the story. Afterall, this was my Dream Course back in high school, and I WOULD like to say 'sucked in big time' to my stupid careers teacher. But it's not like me + study = excellent results anyway, so if I miss out it's no big deal. But I am proud of myself for trying, and finishing something that seemed impossible this time last night.

I never really understood what the term 'Getting into gear' truly meant, but NOW I DO.

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