Sky's Magical Mystery Tour
Monday, October 11, 2004
I'd Like To Be Under The Sea
- A response to last night's Idol bashing of Octopus's Garden

I didn't really appreciate James & Andrew's too-cool-for-school slandering of 'Octopus's Garden' last night. I genuinely like that song, and here are five good reasons why:

1. It was written and performed by Ringo
2. It is great and cheerful and happy: 'We will sing, and dance around!'
3. They sing it on Play School
4. I have an mp3 of Noel singing it mixed together with 'Whatever' and it is great
5. It's got a great political ideology:
  • 'Oh what joy, for every girl and boy, knowing they're happy and they're safe.'
  • 'We would be so happy you and me, no one to tell us what to do'.
    It leaves Imagine in the dust.

    And, despite it's ridiculous lyrics and theme, it's actually a really good song. So stop the bashing now.

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